Very Short Question Answers

Q1. A transformer converts 200v ac into 2000ac.Calculate the number of turns in the secondary if the   primary has 10 turns.


 $N_{s}  =    \frac{V_{s}}{V_{p}   ×N_{p}}   = 2000/200  ×10 = 100   $     
       $ ∴Ns  = 100 turns$

Q2. What type of transformer is used in a 6V bed lamp?


Step – down transformer

Q3. What is the phenomenon involved in the working of a transformer?


Mutual induction

Q4. What is the transformerratio?


The ratio between the number of turns in secondary coil and the number of turns in primary coil   is called transformer ratio. 

 Transformer ratio (k) $=\frac{N_{s}}{N_{p}} =    \frac{V_{s}}{V_{p}}$

Q5. Write the expression for the reactance of i ) an inductor and ii) a capacitor ?


$1)\:\;  X_{L}  =  \:ω L      \:\:\:2)  X_{C}   =   \:1/ωC$

Q6. What is the phase difference between ac emf and current in the following: pure resistor, pure inductor and pure capacitor.


Pure resistor, phase difference is zero  
Pure inductor, phase difference is  $π/2$
 Pure capacitor, phase difference is  $π/2$

Q7. Define power factor. On which factors does the power factor depend?


Theaverage  power over a complete cycle is $ P = VI\: cosϕ$    ( or )$ P= I ^{2} Z\, cosϕ  $ in this,  The term $cosϕ$ is called power factor.  It depends on phase difference $\phi$ between current and voltage.

Q8. What is meant by wattless component of current?


When  $cosϕ=0$ and no power so dissipated even though a current is flowing in the circuit. This is called wattles component of current.

Q9. When does a LCR series circuit has minimum impedance?


 When $X_{L}=  X_{C }\:\,  ,   \:\,  ω L  =   1/ωC$

Q10. What is the phase difference between voltage and current when the power factor in LCR series circuit is unity?


If the power factor $cosϕ=1$.Then phase difference between voltage and current $ϕ=0$

Q11. What is step-up transformer How it differences from step-down transformer.


If the secondary coil has a more number of turns than the primary is called step-up transformer.    $ N_{S}>N_{P}$.
If the primary coil has more turns than the secondary is called step – down transformer.  $N_{S}<N_{P}$