Very Short Question Answers

Q1. The vertical component of a vector is equal to its horizontal component. What is the angle made by the vector with X-axis?


 Horizontal  component $(š’™)$ =Vertical  component  $( š’š)\,=1 \,$




Q2. A vector v makes an angle ? with the horizontal. The vector is rotated through an angle ? .Does this rotation change the vector v ?


 By rotating vector V through angle α its horizontal and vertical components change. Also, direction of the vector changes. So, the rotation changes the vector V.

Q3. Two forces of magnitudes 3 units and 5 units act at 60Ā° with each other. What is the magnitude of their resultant?


$P = 3 \,\,Units , \:\:Q =  5\:\: and\:\: θ = 60^{\circ}$

$Magnitude \,\,  R=\sqrt{P^{2}+Q^{2}+2PQ\,cos\theta}$

$R=\sqrt{3^{2}+5^{2}+2\times 3\times 5 \times cos60^{\circ }}$



$\therefore R= 7$

Q4. A= i + j . W at is the angle between the vector and X-axis?


Horizontal component $(š’™) =$ Vertical  component $( š’š)\,=1 \,$





Q5. When two right angled vectors of magnitude 7 units and 24 units combine, what is the magnitude of their resultant?


$P = 7 \,\,Units , \,\,Q =  24\,\, and \,\,θ = 90^{\circ}$

$Magnitude \,\,  R=\sqrt{P^{2}+Q^{2}+2PQ\,cos\theta}$

$R=\sqrt{7^{2}+24^{2}+2\times 7\times 24 \times cos90^{\circ} }$



$\therefore R= 25$


Q6. If P= 2i + 4j +14k and Q = 4i + 4j +10k find the magnitude of P + Q ?






$ =\sqrt{676}$



Q7. Can a vector of magnitude zero have nonzero components?


No, A vector of zero magnitude cannot have non-zero components.

Q8. What is the acceleration of projectile at the top if its trajectory?


The acceleration of projectile at the top of its trajectory is g = 9.8 ms-1

Q9. Can two vectors of unequal magnitude add up to give the zero vector? Can three unequal vectors add up to give the zero vector?

  1.  No. two vectors of unequal magnitude cannot add up to give zero vector.
  2. Yes, three vectors of unequal magnitude can add up to give zero vector. 

Short Question Answers

Q1. State parallelogram law of vectors. Derive an expression for the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector?

Ans. Parallelogram law of  vectors: if two vectors drawn from a point be represented adjacent sides of a parallelogram, then the diagonal drawn  from the same  point represents their resultant vector both in magnitude and direction.
As shown in the diagram $\vec{(OP)} $and  $\vec{(OQ)} $ drawn from a point be represented adjacent sides of the parallelogram and $\vec{(OM)} $ is diagonal of the parallelogram and their magnitudes are$ A, B$ and $R$ respectively. parallelogram
    Magnitude: According to Pythagoras theorem,
From āˆ† OMN
$R^{2}=(OP+PN)^{2}+(B sinā”θ)^{2} $
$R^{2}=(OP)^{2} +(PN)^{2}+2(OP)(PN)+(B sinā”θ)^{2} $
$R^{2}=A^{2} +(B cosā”θ)^{2}+2(A)(B  cosā”θ)+(B sinā”θ)^{2} $
$R^{2}=A^{2}+B^{2} +2AB  cosā”θ $
$R=\sqrt{A^{2}+B^{2}  +2AB cosā”θ } $
The above equation is represented magnitude of resultant vector.
Direction: From āˆ† OMN
$tanā”α=\frac{B sinā”θ}{A+B cosā”θ }$
$α=tan^{-1} \frac{ā”B sinā”θ}{(A+B cosā”θ }$
The above equation is represented direction of resultant vector.


Q2. What is relative motion? Explain it?

Ans. Relative motion: it is a motion of one body with respect to another body.

  •  The  relative velocity of body ‘A’ with respect to ‘B’ is given by $V_{AB}=|V_{A}-V_{B} |=\sqrt{{ V_{A}}^2+{V_{B}}^2-2V_{A} V_{B}  cosā”θ }$
  •  The  relative velocity of body ‘B’ with respect to ‘A’ is given by  $V_{BA}=|V_{B}-V_{A} |=\sqrt{{ V_{A}}^2+{V_{B}}^2-2V_{A} V_{B}  cosā”θ }$
  •  $V_{AB}$ and $V_{BA}$are equal and in magnitude and opposite in direction
  • If ‘A’ and ‘B’ are opposite in direction(θ=180°) then $V_{r}=V_{A}-V_{B}$
  • If ‘A’  and ‘B’ are same in direction(θ=0°) then $ V_{r}=V_{A}+V_{B}$
  • If ‘A’  and ‘B’ are perpendicular to each other  in direction(θ=90°) then $V_{r}=\sqrt{ {V_{A}}^2+{V_{B}}^2 }$

Q3. Show that a boat must move at an angle of $90^\circ$ with respect to river water in order to cross the river in a minimum time?

Ans. River  - Boat :  As shown in the diagram, the width of the river is $d$ and the velocity of the river water is$V_{rw}$. A boat velocity in the river water is $ V_{b}$  and  the angle between $V_{b}$ and  $V_{rw}$ is $θ$. Horizontal component  $V_{b}  cosā”θ$ is acting in the direction  of  velocity$V_{rw}$.Vertical component $ V_{b}  sinā”θ$ is acting along the width $d$. Therefore, time take by the boat to cross the river is $$t= \frac{d}{(V_{b}  sinā”θ )} $$ (t is minimum for θ=90°) .According to above equation,  a boat move at an angle of 90° with respect to river water in order to cross the river in a minimum time. 

Q4. Define unit vector, null vector and position vector?

Ans. Unit Vector :  A vector whose magnitude is equal to one is known as a unit vector.$$ Unit \,\:vector \,\, \hat{a}=\frac{\vec{a}} {|a|} $$Null Vector :  A vector whose magnitude is equal to zero is known as a zero vector.
Position Vector: A vector which is drawn from the origin of a reference frame is known as position vector. This helps to locate the position of a body in space.
Position vector $\vec{r} =x\hat{i}+y\hat{j}+z\hat{k}$

Q5. If |a+b|=|a-b |, prove that the angle between a and b is 90Ā°?


$$|a+b|= |a-b| $$ $$ \sqrt{a^{2}+b^{2}  +2ab cosā”θ }=\sqrt{a^{2}+b^{2}  -2ab cosā”θ }$$ $$  a^{2}+b^{2}  +2ab cosā”θ = a^{2}+b^{2}  -2ab cosā”θ $$ $$   4ab cosā”θ = 0 $$ $$  cosā”θ = 0 $$ $$ θ = 45^{\circ}$$



Q6. Show that the maximum height and range of a projectile are\( {u²sin²\theta \over 2g} \) and \( {u²sin2\theta \over g} \) respectively where the terms have their regular meanings?

Ans. i)  At the  maximum height of a trajectory \( y=h_m, t={(V_o  sinā”θ )\over g} , a_y=-g, V_oy =V_o  sinā”θ \).$$ h_m=V_o  sinā”θ  ({(V_o  sinā”θ)\over g})+1/2(-g)({V_o  sinā”θ \over g})^2 $$$$ h_m={ (V_o  sinā”θ  )^2\over 2g} $$ ii) if projectile reaches the horizontal  \(x=R ,     T=(2 V_o  sinā”θ)/g, V_ox=V_o  cosā”θ, a_x=0 \)$$ x=V_ox t+1/2 a_x t^2$$$$ R=V_o  cosā”θ( {2 V_o  sinā”θ \over g})$$ $$ R={ V_o^{2}  sin2ā”θ \over g} $$

Q7. Show that the trajectory of an object thrown at certain angle with the horizontal is a parabola?

Let a body projected with an initial velocity $V_{o}$ at an angle $θ$ (other than $90°$)with the horizontal axis , from the Origin $O$ . The path of the body is called trajectory.
The resolutions of initial velocity are$ V_{ox}=V_{o}  cosā”θ \: ,\: V_{oy}=V_{o}  sinā”θ $. The horizontal component $(V_{ox} )$  is constant throughout the motion of the body. The vertical component $(V_{oy} )$   changes both in magnitude and direction due to gravity. $V_{ox}=V_{o}  cosā”θ$
Let the projectile is at a point$ P(x,y)$ after a time interval $t$.
Displacement along the $X-axis$ is    $x=V_{ox} t+\frac{1}{2} a_{x} t^{2} $ where $a_{x}=0$$$x=V_{ox} t$$$$x=(V_{o} cosā”θ )t$$$$t=  \frac{x}{V_{o}  cosā”θ  }$$Displacement along the $Y-axis $is   $ y=V_{oy} t+\frac{1}{2} a_{y} t^{2} $ where $a_{y}=-g$$$y=V_{oy} t- \frac{1}{2} gt^{2} $$
$$y=(V_{o}  sinā”θ  ) \left( \frac{x}{V_{o}  cosā”θ  } \right )- \frac{g}{2}  \left(  \frac{x}{V_{o}  cosā”θ }\right )^2 $$$$y=(tanā”θ )x-  \left(  \frac{g}{ 2V_{o}^2  cos^2ā”θ  }\right ) x^{2}$$$$y=Ax-Bx^{2}$$Where $A=tanā”θ$ and $B=\left(  \frac{g}{ 2V_{o}^2  cos^2ā”θ  }\right )$ both are constants . The above equation represent a parabola . So, the trajectory of an object thrown at certain angle with the horizontal is a parabola.

Q8. Explain the terms the average velocity and instantaneous velocity. When are they equal?

Ans.  Average velocity: The ratio between total displacement to the total time is called average velocity.

$$Average \,\,velocity=\frac{Total Displacement}{Total Time}=\frac{Δx}{Δt}$$

Instantaneous velocity:The velocity of particle at any instant of time is called instantaneous velocity.
$$instantaneous \,\, velocity \,\,V=\displaystyle \lim_{t \to 0}\frac{\Delta x}{\Delta t}=\frac{\mathrm{d}x }{\mathrm{d} t}$$
  • Average velocity and Instantaneous velocity are equal in uniform motion
  • Average velocity and Instantaneous velocity will differ  in non-uniform motion  

Q9. If the trajector of a body is parabolic in one reference frame, can it be parabolic in another reference frame that moves at constant velocity with respect to the first reference frame? If the trajectory can be other than parabolic, what else it can be?

Ans. No, In another frame of reference, the trajectory is a vertical straight line.

Q10. A force 2i+j-k Newton acts on a body which is initially at rest. At the end of 20 seconds, the velocity of the body is 4i+2j+2k m/s .What is the mass of the body?


Problems Question Answers

Q1. Ship A is 10 km due west of ship B. Ship A is heading directly north at a speed of 30 km/h, while ship B is heading in a direction 60Ā°west of north at a speed of 20 km/h.(i) Determine the magnitude of the velocity of ship B relative to ship A.(ii) What will be their distance of closest approach?


Q2. If ?is the angle of projection, R is the range, h is the maximum height, T is the time of flight then show that (a) tan? = 4h / R and (b) h = gT^2/8?


Q3. A projectile is fired at an angle of 60Ā° to the horizontal with an initial velocity of 800m/s (i) Find the time of flight of the projectile before it hits the ground.(ii) Find the distance it travels before it hits the ground (Range).(iii) Find the time of flight for the projectile to reach its maximum height.


Q4. For a particle projected slantwise from the ground, the magnitude of its position vector with respect to the point of pr jection, when it is at the highest point of the path is found to be 2 times the maximum height reached by it. Show that the angle of projection is tanĀÆ Ā¹(2)?


Q5. An object is launched from a cliff 20 m above the ground at an angle of 30Ā° above the horizontal with an initial speed of 30 m/s. How far horizontally does the object travel before landing on the ground? (g = 10 m/sĀ²)


Q6. O is a point on the ground chosen as origin. A body first suffers a displacement of 10 ?2m North - East, next 10 m North and finally 10 ?2m North - West. How far it is from the origin?


Q7. From a point on the ground a particle is projected with initial velocity u, such that its horizontal range is maximum. Find the magnitude of average velocity during its ascent?


Q8. A particle is projected from the ground with some initial velocity making an angle of 45Ā° with the horizontal. It reaches a height of 7.5 m above the ground while it travels a horizo tal distance of 10 m from the point of projection. Find the initial speed of projection? (g = 10 m/sĀ²)


Q9. Wind is blowing from the south at 5 m/s. To a cyclist it appears to be blowing from the east at 5 m/s. Find the velocity of the cyclist?


Q10. A person walking at 4 m/s finds rain drops falling slantwise in to his face with a speed of 4 m/s at an angle of 300 with the vertical. Show that the actual speed of the rain drops is 4m/s?