Very Short Question Answers

Q1. The states of motion and rest are relative. Explain?


Rest: If there is no change in the position of the body with respect to time and its surroundings, then the body is said to be in rest.
Motion: If there is some change in the position of the body with respect to either time or its surroundings, then the body is said to be in motion.
Example: The driver of a moving bus is at rest with respect to a person sitting inside the bus and is in motion with respect to a person outside the bus. Therefore, motion and rest are

Q2. How is average velocity different from instantaneous velocity?


Average velocity: The ratio between total displacement to the total time is called average velocity. 

$$ Average \:Velocity =\frac{Total \:displcement}{Total \:time}=\frac{\bigtriangleup x}{\bigtriangleup t}$$

 Instantaneous velocity: The velocity of particle at any instant of time is called instantaneous velocity.

$$ Instantaneous \:Velocity= \frac{\mathrm{d}x }{\mathrm{d} t}$$


Q3. Give an example where the velocity of an object is zero but its acceleration is not zero?

  1. Vertically projected object at maximum height.
  2. Simple pendulum at any extreme position

Q4. A vehicle travels half the distance L with speed V1 and the other half with speed V2.What is the average speed?


$ Average \:speed =\frac{Total \:distance}{Total \:time}$



Q5. A lift coming down is just about to reach the ground floor. Taking the ground floor as origin and positive direction upwards for all quantities, which one of the following is correct?a) x < 0, v < 0, a > 0 b) x > 0, v < 0, a < 0 c) x > 0, v < 0, a > 0 d) x > 0, V > 0, a > 0


 a) x<0, v<0,  a>0 

Q6. A uniformly moving cricket ball is hit with a bat for a very short time and is turned back. Show the variation of its acceleration with time taking the acceleration in the backward direction as positive?



Q7. Give an example of one-dimensional motion where a particle moving along the positive X-direction comes to rest periodically and moves forward?


A particle in simple harmonic motion comes to rest periodically at the extreme positions

Q8. An object falling through a fluid is observed to have an acceleration given by a= g-bv where g is the gravitational acceleration and b is a constant. After a long time it is observed to fall with a constant velocity. What would be the value of this constant velocity?


If velocity is constant, acceleration is zero.



$$\therefore \:\:V=\frac{g}{b}$$

Q9. If the trajectory of a body is parabolic in one frame, can it be parabolic in a other frame that moves with a constant velocity with respect to the first frame? If not, what can it be?


No, it can be a straight line

Q10. A spring with one end attached to a mass and the other to a rigid support is stretched and released. When is the magnitude of accele ation a maximum?


At extreme positions acceleration of mass is maximum.

Short Question Answers

Q1. Can the equations of kinematics be used when the acceleration varies with time? If not,what form would these equations take?

Ans. No.But,the equations of kinematics can be used even when the acceleration varies with time.

Inteqration form
$$\int _{v_0}^v dv= \int _0^t adt$$

$$\int_{x_0}^xdx= \int_0^t\left(v_0+at\right)dt$$

Q2. A particle moves in a straight line with uniform acceleration. Its velocity at time t = 0 is V? and at time t = t is V? . The average velocity of the particle in this time interval is (V? +V?)/2. Is this correct? Substantiate your answer?


Q3. Can the velocity of an object be in a direction other than the direction of acceleration ofthe object? If so, give an example?


Q4. A parachutist flying in an aeroplane jumps when it is at a height of 3 km above ground.He opens his parachute when he is about 1 km above ground. Describe his motion?


Q5. A bird holds a fruit in its beak and flies parallel to the ground. It lets go of the fruit at some height. Describe the trajectory of the fruit as it falls to the ground as seen by (a) The Bird (b) a person on the ground?


Q6. A man runs across the roof of a tall building and jumps horizontally on to the(lower) roof of an adjacent building. If his speed is 9 m/s and the horizontal distance between the buildings is 10 m and the height difference between the roofs is9m, will he be able to land on the next building? (Take g = 10 m/s^2 )


Q7. A ball is dropped from the roof of a tall building and simultaneously another ball is thrown horizontally with some velocity from the same roof. Which ball lands first? Explain your answer?


Q8. A ball is dropped from a building and simultaneously another ball is projected upward with some velocity. Describe the change in relative velocities of the balls as a function of time?


Q9. A typical raindrop is about 4mm in diameter. If a raindrop falls from a cloud which is at 1 km above the ground, estimate its momentum when it hits the ground?


Q10. Show that the maximum height reached by a projectile launched at an angle of 45° is one quarter of i s range?


Problems Question Answers

Q1. A man walks on a straight road from his home to a market 2.5 km away with a speed of 5 km/h. Finding the market closed, he instantly turns and walks back home with aspeed of 7.5 km/h . What is the (a) Magnitude of Average Velocity and (b) Average Speed of the man over the time interval 0 to 50 min?


Q2. A car travels the first third of a distance with a speed of 10 kmph, the second third at 20 kmph and the last third at 60 kmph. What is its mean speed over the entire distance?


Q3. A bullet moving with a speed of 150 m/s strikes a tree and penetrates 3.5 cm beforestopping. What is the magnitude of its retardation in the tree and the time taken for it to stop after striking the tree?


Q4. A motorist drives north for 30 min at 85 km/h and then stops for 15min. He continues travelling north and covers 130 km in 2 hours. What is his total displacement and average velocity?


Q5. A ball A is dropped from the top of a building and at the same time an identical ball B is thrown vertically upward from the ground. When the balls collide the s ee of A is twice that of B. At what fraction of the height of the building did the collision occur?


Q6. Drops of water fall at regular intervals from the roof of a building of height 16m. The first drop strikes the ground at the same moment as the fifth drop leaves the roof. Find the distances between successive drops?


Q7. A hunter aims a gun at a monkey hanging from a tree some distance away. The monkey drops from the branch at the moment he fires the gun hoping to avoid the bullet. Explain why the monkey made a wrong move?


Q8. A food packet is dropped from an aero plane, moving with a speed of 360 kmph in a horizontal direction, from a height of 500m. Find (i) Its time of descent (ii) The horizontal distance between the point at which the food packet reaches the ground and the point above which it was dropped?


Q9. A ball is tossed from the window of a building with an initial velocity of 8 m/s at an angle of 20° below the horizontal. It strikes the ground 3s later. From what height was the ball thrown? How far from the base of the building does the ball strike the ground?


Q10. Two balls are projected from the same point in directions 30° and 60° with respect to the horizontal. What is the ratio of their initial velocities if they (a) Attain the same height? (b) Have the same range?